Free seminar for construction industry leaders

We have an exciting opportunity for you! Honkamp is teaming up with TRICOR Insurance to present free, in-person seminars on Jan. 17 and 18 for professionals in the construction industry.

The seminars will feature experts covering a wide range of topics essential to your success in the construction field. They include:

  • State and Local Taxes: Refine bids through understanding sales tax rules. This knowledge is crucial for bid competitiveness and risk mitigation, while helping you protect your margins.
  • The Importance of Return-to-Work Programs: Discover how to save money on your workers’ compensation premium.
  • Risk Transfer: Better understand risk management and how it can protect your business.
  • Hot Tax Topics: Receive tips on the latest tax issues and opportunities that impact your bottom line. Are you taking advantage of all the tax credits available to you, such as the R&D tax credit, 179D tax deduction, 45L tax credit and Opportunity Zones incentives?
  • Top 10 OSHA Violations: Ensure your workplace safety practices align with OSHA standards.
  • Contract Bonding: Get insights into securing the correct bonds for your projects.
  • Other Key Topics: Other areas that will be explored include labor and talent issues and handling volatile material pricing. Speakers also will share insights into financial assurance and risk management strategies specific to construction.

Join us for these live events, during which you can ask questions, connect with peers and explore new opportunities for your business. Again, there is no cost to attend.