Things executives should do in the summer

May 13, 2019

By Greg Burbach,
president & CEO

• Say “thank you” to your customers and your employees: Find ways to connect and give back to both of your key assets, and you’ll reap the rewards all year long.

• Improve the client experience: Taking time to talk to clients, make personal phone calls and meet with them one-on-one goes a long way to not only deepening relationships, but also learning how your organization can better satisfy your clients’ needs and create more raving fans.

• Focus on internal culture: Assessing employee engagement and satisfaction and listening to needs and concerns shows your employees you care. The key is in the implementation of new initiatives and ideas. Showing your employees you’ve listened through your actions and words is what makes all the difference in your organization’s culture.

• Take stock of the strategic plan: What goals have been met? What steps are needed to move the process forward? Where can we complete the incompletes to help make strides in the strategic plan? Make hay while the sun shines, and don’t slack off on this valuable time to take your organization to the next level.

• Be vigilant: Maintain awareness of the competitive landscape and actively work toward accomplishing the goals for the organization as they relate to: Opportunities for expansion, changing and emerging markets, new industry developments and standards and mergers and acquisitions activities and potential.

• Involve the next generation of leaders: Offer one-on-one coaching opportunities, bring them in on strategy discussions and listen and consider their ideas and visions for the future. Get buy-in now, so you have a dedicated team in the future that is on board with your vision and mission.

This article was previously published in the Tri-State bizTimes. 

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