Fraud & Forensics Services

Fraud can be devastating for an organization. The typical company loses 5% of its annual revenue to fraud, according to a recent study by Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Honkamp’s fraud and forensics services division can help identify and reduce opportunities for fraud by reviewing your internal audit procedures, recommending anti-fraud internal controls and conducting procedure reviews. If fraud is discovered, Honkamp has the personnel and experience to begin a timely investigation, prevent further loss, determine the full extent of the fraud and prepare for litigation and recovery.

If you have a case involving some aspect of financial fraud, Honkamp’s team of Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) and forensic professionals can help:

  • Conduct fraud examinations and quantify the results
  • Perform procedure reviews
  • Investigate computer fraud and security issues
  • Provide management training
  • Review policies and procedures
  • Assess fraud risk
  • Perform internal audits of high-risk areas

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